Skill for Psychology Recovery (SPR) Graduation Ceremony.

At IOS, since its establishment, we have trained faith leaders, community leaders, and community-serving professionals. Aug 31, 2024, at Actiondignity IOS was proud to graduate 38 who participated in an 8-week weekly group-based, skills-focused, language-specific, culturally appropriate, and evidence-based Life Skills intervention both in Tigrigna (19 ), Amharic (for 12 )and English (7 youth ). In IOS, our philosophy is to mitigate our challenges, use our resources, enhance our capacities and reach out to our potential. This, we believe, is the mark of resilience. These participants demonstrated an inner resourcefulness and capacity to thrive. Their exposure to IOS’s own Life Skills Programming will undoubtedly enhance their capacity to thrive. We encourage those interested to call IOS at 403-300-1400 to take advantage of this free life-changing program.
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